skinless body of dreams

2021, video, sound, full hd, 6:01 sound by Anastasia Zhylinskaya

the work considers issues of associative thinking, relationship between images and text and our perception of them through the prism of our own experience, as well as freezing of certain details and situations built on these details in our memory. Within our memories some objects that individually mean nothing, together form various narratives, transmit sensations and form our perception of time at that moment.

it resembles a state of sleep where we travel through space, where objects are in a muddy fluid, touching each other a bit and getting stuck inside it but do not disappear completely. they are existing in a certain form of relationship with each other, forming situations that become a field of birth of the affects. at the same time more tangible and visible processes are taking place in different dimension.

so, in the era of endless circulation of images and visuals in general, text that coexists with them is able to generate a certain meaning in accordance with the represented object, limit our imagination and evoke very specific associations. on the other hand, the use of text subtitles helps us to feel more emotions, express the atmosphere and broadcast a certain dimension of imaginary space. both text and images can be subconsciously linked to the life stage of the viewer, his vision of the world, which is constructed from many internal, hidden elements. thus, what is depicted acts as a vector for the thoughts movements, and the text frees us from overwhelming amount of interpretations, but regardless of this, when the viewer reads the work, he first of all reads inner self.


(introduction to the field of) shapable matter