daily fragile

the project explores the relationship of the physical and virtual. the artist's method of working with the visual is an attempt to create a new digital sensuality, to find a mistake, imperfection, a life filled with virtual warmth in a sterile space. according to her idea, the peculiarities of digital image production free the final product from the need to be authentic or real, but this does not deprive it of its own agency. her works are in the space between manic order and complex instability, the precision of a well-oiled mechanism and soft sloppiness. at the same time, the body is seen by her as a material, porous tissue that is deeply intertwined with the surrounding processes. there is an endless absorption and interpenetration of internal and external, public and private. fragments of corporeality, torn from the habitual environment of existence and moved to a new context, encounter new and often aggressive forms of life and material, enter into unpredictable interactions with them, form new symbioses and connections.


milk and honey


petals laying in mud